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How to activate BPMer + AccuBeatMix

If you are unsure which products you purchased, please visit this page.

After purchasing our products, you should have received an email from share*it containing an activation key similar to the text below. If you didn't receive an email from share*it, please contact them here.

1 - Copy your activation key from share*it's email

Your activation key is similar to the following text:

------------ACTIVATION KEY STARTS HERE------------
User License for BPMer
User Name: John Smith
Serial Number: BPM1-120509-SH123456789
-------------ACTIVATION KEY ENDS HERE-------------

NB: Your activation key is not the serial number. It is all the text above.

2 - Launch BPMer

If BPMer is not yet installed on your Mac yet, download it here.

3 - Select "About BPMer..." in the BPMer menu

4 - Click "Enter Activation Key..."

5 - Paste your activation key as copied from share*it's email

6 - Click OK, your copy is activated!

This also activates AccubeatMix. Restart iTunes for the activation of AccubeatMix to take effect.

If AccubeatMix is not yet installed on your Mac yet, download it here.

This page © Sylvain Demongeot, 2003-2012. Last update: Thursday, 10-May-2012 22:39:00 UTC.